
All students should wear the appropriate uniform unless there is a valid medical or cultural reason why they cannot wear a particular item or why they have to wear an additional garment.

Our uniform consists of a:

  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or black skirt or trouser
  • White polo shirt, blouse or shirt.

Optional Uniform Items

Red gingham or red striped school dresses, and grey or black shorts may be worn in summer months.

Our polo shirt, fleece and sweatshirt are branded and are available from MyClothing.com.

Outdoor clothes should match the weather, e.g. warm coats, Wellington boots if necessary (but please ensure your child has some indoor shoes to change into). We also request that, as far as possible, clothing should be easily managed by the child, so that difficulty does not arise when changing. Clothing and shoes must be named.

Safety precautions should be observed. For example, jewellery should not be worn but if ears have been pierced studs are allowed. In the interest of safety, pupils will be asked to remove hooped or decorative earrings.

Non-branded items can be purchased from local supermarkets and shops examples include Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda, Marks and Spencers, and Morrisons as well as online platforms such as Amazon or eBay.

Uniform Policy