Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC)

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development is the over-arching umbrella that encompasses personal development across the whole curriculum.

We have ensured that our children's SMSC runs through our entire curriculum and we have created a long term plan showing how each of our units links into the SMSC development. We also use a life lessons floor book to evidence our SMSC learning. 

At Queensway, we have created a cultural map to evidence how we develop and promote SMSC across our academy.

SMSC Cultural MapSMSC Knowledge Curriculum

In England and Wales Parents have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to withdraw their children from RE lessons and acts of Collective Worship in schools. 

As parents you are not obliged to give a reason for requesting the withdrawal. Requests for withdrawals should be made in writing. However, before exercising any right of withdrawal, we would recommend you contact us to discuss further.